2018-12-14 Abstract
Title: Time-Domain Astronomy at NCU with the Zwicky Transient Facility
Speaker: Prof. Chow-Choong Ngeow (National Central University)
Date: December 14 at 15:30pm
Location: General building II, R521
The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is an on-going time-domain sky survey with an aim to detect various class of transients. ZTF utilizes a wide-field 48-inch telescope (the P48 Telescope), located at the Palomar Observatory, and a dedicated mosaic CCD to survey the sky in three filters. The telescope and CCD combination gives ZTF a stunning 47 degree-squared field-of-view. In this talk I will introduce the ZTF project, as well as it predecessor -- the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) and the intermediate-PTF (iPTF) projects. I will also present a particular time-domain astronomy project carried out at NCU with the ZTF data -- the ZTF Be stars variability program. During our analysis of the Be stars light curves, we found a unusual Be star that display a variability up to ~2.5 magnitudes in the ZTF data. Some preliminary analysis of this Be star will be presented.
The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is an on-going time-domain sky survey with an aim to detect various class of transients. ZTF utilizes a wide-field 48-inch telescope (the P48 Telescope), located at the Palomar Observatory, and a dedicated mosaic CCD to survey the sky in three filters. The telescope and CCD combination gives ZTF a stunning 47 degree-squared field-of-view. In this talk I will introduce the ZTF project, as well as it predecessor -- the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) and the intermediate-PTF (iPTF) projects. I will also present a particular time-domain astronomy project carried out at NCU with the ZTF data -- the ZTF Be stars variability program. During our analysis of the Be stars light curves, we found a unusual Be star that display a variability up to ~2.5 magnitudes in the ZTF data. Some preliminary analysis of this Be star will be presented.