2017-11-10 Abstract
Title: Measuring the magnetic fields in IC5146 cloud
Speaker: Jia-Wei Wang 王嘉瑋 (NTHU)
Time: 15:30pm 10th Nov. 2017 (Friday)
Venue: R521, IoA, 2nd General Building 綜二館R521
The standard scenarios of low-mass star formation expect that magnetic fields are important in suppressing the star formation rate and removing the angular momentum. However, due to the limitation of the techniques to measure magnetic fields, observational evidences are still insufficient to confirm the importance of magnetic fields in star formation. Hence, the combination of multiple techniques is essential to provide a full picture of magnetic fields. In this talk, I will present the results of our optical and infrared polarimetry to measure the large-scale magnetic fields in IC5146 cloud. I will also show the submillimeter polarimetry results obtained by JCMT BISTRO survey to trace the magnetic field in small-scale, which reveals a random magnetic field morphology inconsistent with large-scale.