112學年度下學期: 天文演講
Our regular colloquia are on Fridays at 14:30 in R124, Physics Building. We also have special colloquia on other days.
Google Calendar
Click on the speaker name for the abstract.
Date | Speaker |
03/01 | No Colloquium |
03/08 (13:30) | Chin-Fei Lee (ASIAA) |
03/15 | Yi-Jehng Kuan (NTNU) |
03/20 | Anders Johansen (U. Copenhagen) |
03/29 | Shih-Ying Hsu (ASIAA) |
04/12 | Hajime Sotani (RIKEN) |
04/19 | David Schlegel (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab) |
04/26 | Shiau-Jie Rau (UIUC) |
05/03 | Guo-Chin Liou (TKU) |
05/10 | Cristina Romero-Canizales (ASIAA) |
05/17 | Pei-Chun Hsu (British Office Taipei) |
05/22 | Chao-Chin Yang (U. Alabama) |
05/24 | Ruolan Jin (NTTU) |
05/30 | Cynthia Chiang (McGill University) |
06/07 | Hung-Yi Pu (NTNU) |
06/17 | Tien-Hao Hsieh (MPE) |
08/09 | Huabai Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
08/16 | Mona Shishido (Tokyo University of Science) |
* special colloquia
(Updated on Mar. 1, 2024)