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2023-12-15 Abstract

Title: Understanding Type Ia Supernovae with Their Ejecta Velocities

Speaker: Prof. Yen-Chen Pan (NCU)
Date: December 15 at 14:30
Location: R521, General Building II
There is growing evidence that Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are likely produced via multiple populations. Distinguishing between different populations and understanding how they could evolve with redshift is critical to determining their precision in distance measurement. Recent studies have shown that SN Ia ejecta velocity is one powerful tool to differentiate the populations. It has also been suspected that the tight correlation between SN Ia ejecta velocity and host-galaxy environment could introduce some evolution effect. In this talk, I will discuss the relationship between SN Ia ejecta velocity and various parameters, and their implication to the progenitor systems and cosmology.
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