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2023-12-20 Abstract

Title: Systematic search for galaxies with large-scale outflowing gas at z=0.1-1.5

Speaker: Prof. Suraphong Yuma (Mahidol University)
Date: December 20 (Wed.) at 12:10 pm
Location: R521, General Building II
Galactic-scale outflow of gas plays a crucial role in galaxy evolution such as halting star-forming activity, enriching the chemical abundance of the environment, and regulating the stellar-mass SFR relation. To study the outflow, we normally need the spectroscopy of individual galaxies, which takes eminent time and effort. Although spectroscopy is required to study the physical process of gas outflows, obtaining the candidate galaxies before the follow-up observations is better than conducting the blind spectroscopic search. In this talk, I will introduce the systematic search for candidate galaxies with large-scale gas outflow using the public data releases from the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Legacy Survey, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and MaNGA. We found roughly 819 star-forming galaxies with spatially extended gas emission at z=0.1-1.5 using the narrowband technique and 615 type-2 AGNs at z=0.1-0.3 using the broadband technique. Compared with the entire galaxy population, large-scale outflows occur 1% and 35% in star-forming galaxies and AGNs, respectively. The number densities of these galaxies decrease with redshifts since z~1.5 in agreement with the declining cosmic star formation density at the same epoch. The physical properties of these galaxies compared with those without the gas outflows will be discussed.
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