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2023-12-08 Abstract

Title: Exploring the Universe's Explosive Events with PESSTO

Speaker: Prof. Ting-Wan Chen (NCU)
Date: December 8 at 14:30
Location: R521, General Building II
Over the last ten years, all-sky surveys have opened a new era in time-domain astronomy, discovering unexpected stellar transients that challenge our understanding of stellar explosions. Leading this transformative journey is the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO), which has operated successfully for a decade. In this talk, I will introduce our collaborative efforts from ePESSTO+, providing insights into a variety of extreme stellar transients. They include slow-rising supernovae, rapidly evolving events, electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves, and the characterization of superluminous supernovae with diverse features and their host environments. Furthermore, I will share my experiences with students and junior researchers, offering guidance on research grant and fellowship applications.
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