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2025-03-14 Abstract

Title: Core-Collapse Supernovae: Neutrinos, Flavor Conversions, and their Impact on the Dynamics

Speaker: Jakob Ehring (ASIoP)
Date: March 14 at 14:30
Location: R521, General Building II
In this talk I will give an overview of delayed neutrino driven mechanism in core-collapse supernovae. I will talk about the crucial role that neutrinos play in turning the implosion to an explosion. Afterwards I will motivate why the flavor of the neutrinos is not conserved as they travel through the emerging port-neutron star and beyond. I will talk about my research results that show that these flavor conversions can have an effect on the dynamical evolution of the explosion. They have the potential to support or suppress the shock revival, depending on the region and the time when they occur. Finally I will talk about the possibility of flavor conversions effecting the gravitational wave signal sent out from the proto-neutron star.
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