
2019-07-19 Abstract

Title: Starburst-driven galactic outflows
Speaker:  Mr. Brian Yu (UCL)
Date: July 19 at 14:00
Location: R521, General building II
The detection of galactic outflows is ubiquitous among starburst galaxies, where the star formation rate is exceptionally high, typically 1 to 2 order of magnitudes higher than that of the Milky Way. These galaxies provide ideal condition to frequently produce supernovae over the course of their starburst period, which launch galactic-scale outflows to eject masses and energies out of their galactic disks. In this talk, I will give an introduction about starburst-driven galactic outflows, what we see in them and how they impact the universe. I will also briefly describe my work and results, and explain why galactic outflows are important for studying and understanding our universe.

