
112學年度上學期: 天文演講

Our regular colloquia are on Fridays at 14:30 in R521, General Building II. We also have special colloquia on other days.
Google Calendar

Click on the speaker name for the abstract.

Date Speaker
08/09* I-Chun Shih (ESA)
08/18* Mattew Malkan (UCLA)
08/25 Supachai Awiphan (NARIT)
09/15 Yueh-Ning Lee (NTNU)
09/22 Di-Lun Yang (ASIoP)
09/29 no colloquium (National Holiday)
10/06 Tsan-Ming Wang (Uni. Bonn)
10/13 Seamus Clarke (ASIAA)
10/20 Toshifumi Futamase (Kyoto Sangyo U.)
10/27 Sun Kwok (U. British Columbia)
11/03 Zhong-Nan Li (NAOC) (canceled)
11/10 Masaomi Ono (ASIAA)
11/17 An-Li Tsai (NSYSU) 
11/24 TBA
12/01 Po-Feng Wu (NTU)
12/08 Ting-Wan Chen (NCU)
12/15 Yen-Chen Pan (NCU)
12/20* Suraphong Yuma (Mahidol University)
12/22 Kinwah Wu(UCL)
12/29 Feng-Li Lin (NTNU)
01/02* Louis Yang (Google)
01/05 Hung Tan (Syracuse)
01/10 Yu-Hsiu Huang (U. Arizona)
01/11 Yu-Yang (Tiger) Hsiao (John Hopkins)

* special colloquia 
(Updated on Feb. 24, 2023)