2025 Spring Colloquia

2025 Spring Colloquia

Our regular colloquia are on Fridays at 14:30 in R521, General Building II. We also have special colloquia on other days.
Google Calendar

Click on the speaker name for the abstract.

Date Speaker
2/14* Romano Antonio Enea (LIGO)
2/21 Shouvik Roy Choudhury (ASIAA)
3/7 Bovornpratch Klod Vijarnwannaluk (ASIAA)
3/14 Jakob Ehring (ASIoP)
3/21 Yu-Ling Chang (NTU)
3/28 Vianey Camacho (NTNU)
4/11 Anatoli Fedynitch (ASIoP)
4/18 Achamveedu Gopakumar Gopu (TIFR)
4/25 Dimitrios Giataganas (NSYSU)
5/2 Hsi-Wei Yen (ASIAA)
5/9 Hsi-An Pan (TKU)
5/23 Nagayoshi Ohashi (ASIAA)
6/6 Karan Fernandez (NTNU)

* special colloquia 
(Updated on Feb. 9, 2025)