2022-04-08 Abstract

Title:  Unveiling the Astrophysics of Galaxy Evolution in the Era of Big Data
Speaker:  Ting-Wen Lan
Date: Apr 08 at 14:30
Location: R124, Physics Building
Astronomy has ushered in the big data era. Multi-wavelength sky surveys have provided tremendous amount of data that has enabled astronomers to perform research via a data-driven approach. This approach focuses on using statistical techniques to extract novel signals from big data and address scientific questions. In this talk, I will discuss how astronomers have utilized this approach to unveil various components of galaxies, ranging from dark matter, baryons, to magnetic fields and AGN radio jets. Finally, If time permits, I will introduce an ongoing survey in which I have participated, called the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Survey, and discuss the landscape of future big-data astronomy.