2021-10-28 Abstract

Title:  Treasure hunting in large surveys
Speaker:  Chien-Hsiu Lee (NOIR labs)
Date: Oct 28 at 12:20
Location: R019, Physics Building
Thanks to the advent of ultra-wide cameras and large surveys, we are entering a golden age of time-domain astronomy. In this talk, I will demonstrate how we can make use of these public surveys to facilitate our studies of many (if not every) aspects of astronomy from a personal perspective, including hunting exoplanets with microlensing, variables in the Andromeda galaxy, and distant quasars in the HSC-SSP. I will then switch gear to on-going all-sky time-domain surveys, especially ZTF and Rubin Observatory/LSST and the suites of tools and products that I helped building at NSF's NOIRLab to enable a stream-lined, end-to-end follow-up network that maximizes the science output from time-domain surveys.