Jan 8: Bayesian analysis and machine learning 1-day workshop

Bayesian analysis and machine learning 1-day workshop
Date: Jan 8  9:30-17:00
Location: R521, General Building II
Preliminary schedule of Jan 8:
9:30am - 12:30pm: Bayesian analysis (David Yu)
2pm - 5pm: Machine learning (David Hui) 

We will also arrange some hands-on activities for you to practise the skill and tools. To prepare for the hands-on activities, you need to install some software.
For Bayesian analysis, please follow the instruction in https://hfdavidyu.github.io/post/hands-on-bayesian-data-analysis/
For machine learning, we will use R and you can download it from the official mirror site at NTU: http://cran.csie.ntu.edu.tw/
Also, a number of packages will be used including: MASS, class, nnet, rpart, e1071, randomForest, ROSE.
After invoking R, you can install them easily by typing something like:
FYI, David Yu recently published two popular astronomy books called 星海璇璣 and 宙. If you want to buy a signed copy (perhaps with a discount), please let me know. He is also the Deputy Editor of 物理雙月刊 (the first non-Taiwanese to assume this position). If you are interested in outreach, please feel free to talk to him.